Make your bouquet look unique with your own ribbon and nine - ring florist's knot. This knot is simple and easy to make. Different sizes of gardener's knots can be made in the same way.
1. First consider how wide the knot wants to be, multiply the number by ten. Then figure out how long to leave the end of the knot and multiply that number by two. Add the two numbers together and cut a ribbon slightly longer than the total to make room for folding.

2. Roll one side of the ribbon in a 2.5 to 5cm diameter loop -- larger if you want a large knot -- and overlap the ends.

3. As with the word loop, make a loop to the left of the loop that is half the final width of the desired knot. Do the same thing on the right.

4. Repeat step 3 so that there are four equally sized rings on each side.

5. Tie the remaining ribbons in a loop at the bottom, overlapping the ends to form two tails.

6. Run wire through the top and bottom loops, pinching the middle.

7. Holding the loop with one hand and the wire with the other, turn the knot in your direction several times in a row, rather than just twisting the wire, so that it will tighten tightly.

8. Pull the loop in different directions until it forms a complete circle. Keep all the loops facing you so that the back of the knot is almost flat.
9. Fold the bottom circle in half to find the center. Cut along this crease, trimming the end of the ribbon into a V if necessary. To add some variation to the ribbon, try using single-sided or printed ribbons! Twist the ribbon around the back when looping left and right, or leave more length when trimming.
Post time: Jun-06-2022